Heritage & Roots – The Prewedding Album of Andra & Khrisna

August 13, 2015


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A traditional Indonesian wedding? It’s becoming more and more heard of, and to tell you the truth, we couldn’t be more proud about it.

As a country of vast archipelago, Indonesia has a diverse demographic range of ethnic groups that speak more than 700 languages and dialects. In short, Indonesia is rich in its cultures and because of that, it’s also rich in customs and traditions.

Traditions call for a lot of thanksgiving and celebrations, and we’re always very happy to be invited to a traditional wedding ceremony. The mixture of vibrant happy colors and the calm rituals with deep meaning never fails to stimulate our senses. However, more than to admire its beauty, we usually find ourselves being happier at traditional wedding ceremonies because of what it really stands for, the honoring of life long traditions. We feel pride along with those who are celebrating, for the rich inheritance give to us by our ancestors and we feel called to respect and preserve it. It’s touching to see that amidst the allure of the simplified Western influence, some couples nowadays still choose to go through the intricately detailed rituals of the traditional wedding ceremonies that may take days and much, much longer time to prepare. It’s truly refreshing to see younger couples opt for traditional Indonesian wedding ceremonies.

One day, on this blog, we will have to share with you the beauty of a traditional Indonesian wedding, so that its beauty may capture you too.

So yes, traditional Indonesian wedding ceremonies are making a comeback. But what about a traditional pre-wedding? Inspired by the love and urge to preserve the Indonesian heritage, Andra and Krisna made portraits for the first time as a family of two-to-be, in traditional costumes. We often think that to look back to where you came from, to see your roots, can actually be a source of endless inspiration. This series of portraitures is our roots. The customs of our country and our style here at The Leonardi.

We hope to have inspired you.

The Leonardi

Photo by: Alexis – The Leonardi

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