The One and Only Eddy Betty

December 2, 2014

A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to meet Eddy Betty, one of the famous designer who has been active in Indonesia approximately 20 years. Eddy Betty studied fashion for six years at Fleuri de al Forte and Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, Paris. He had worked in the fashion house SCAPA, Ted Lupidus, Loris Azzaro and Christian Lacroix. Eddy Betty began his career by opening a working studio in Jakarta and joined in Ikatan Perancang Mode Indonesia (IPMI). In addition to designing the wedding dress, he also designed the party dress, kebaya, batik and men’s fashions. Dresses designed by Eddy Betty has always been a trend in our beloved homeland. We are very happy to gain some knowledge and input from Eddy Betty, and may be useful for anyone who loves fashion in Indonesia.



First of all, Eddy Betty will meet with a client, he will discus and dig in about the idea, the theme, the event and the event venue. This process aims to get to know clients more closely. In addition to the process, normally he would also look at the posture of the client, so that he would the client body type and what models might fit with the client. He thinks that all designers already know what all women in the world desire is how to make them look prettier, slimmer, and more dazzling. After understanding all things regarding the theme, colors, desires and all the expectations, Eddy Betty start working from the drawing, sewing, and fitting.

In addition, Eddy Betty often likes to work “on the spot”. That is usually when the fitting, he will see if her dress / style fits or not or if it needs to be replaced or changed. There is always improvisation in his design.






Eddy said that not all fabrics are the same, especially in handling and care. There are fabrics that match a particular dress model. Eddy said that of course he always want to produce good work and creative. Therefore, according to him, there must be a process to try and find out. Because not all models are not suitable for all body posture. He wants to make clothes that look timeless, elegant, and glamour. Normally he would fix the proportion of the client’s body, and it was very important for him. For him designing clothes is like building a house, and he was the principal contractor. “After getting beauty body proportional then I beautify them with fashion,” said Eddy about his philosophy works.

In search of inspiration, Eddy Betty admits it can come from anywhere, such as from movies, tv, traveling, dream, and a lot of things. Moreover, today there are a lot of internet and television media. We can see the fashion show wherever we are and we can see in real-time. So today, so easy to look for new ideas. So as a designer, must be smarter to look at new models and looking for a new style.

In addition, For him every dress has its own challenges. Because he thinks that all the dress are unique. Sometimes he can find new models and it is to be tailored to the client’s wishes.



In the near future, namely in 2015, Eddy Betty plans to hold some shows. He will hold two shows, party dresses and the other is the national dress / kebaya.

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“Usually the bride has imagined what they would dress wear at their wedding day”. Eddy Betty said. He mentioned that designer only help realize their dream dress in collaboration with the designer style, and certainly every designer has their own signature style. If the bride and groom do not have a clue about the dress of her dreams, usually the designer will provide guidance, according to the venue, theme, and color they want. And for the wedding theme, of course most of the clients already know the desired wedding theme such as Alice in Wonderland, Summer in paris or Autumn in Europe.


For wedding dress trend in 2015, Eddy Betty themselves think that the trend of wedding dress will return to simplicity and elegance. But of course need to be tailored to the client’s wishes. One wants a creative, elegant and timeless, and the other may want like Grace Kelly’s style. But ultimately Eddy remain focusing his work in timeless style.


Eddy Betty from Jambi claimed to love all kinds of food, of course besides Jambi food, Padang Food and Japanese food are also one of his favorites. Eddy Betty loves bold color, such as the color red, shocking pink and emerald green. On his spare time, Eddy likes to swimming and reading a book.

He also tells about Paris as his favorite country. He thought of Paris as his second hometown. He feels like he is returning home, perhaps because he had been there for a long time. In addition, Paris famous for its food, the production of fabrics and the nice design. He said Paris is also a place to look for a fresh atmosphere, ideas, and creativity. “I really like the atmosphere there,” he added.


Photographer by: Alex- The Leonardi
All dresses by: Eddy Betty

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